Secretary of Party Committee of Qinghai Province Wang Guosheng Arrives at Wajiatan Bridge for Inspection

Accompanied by leaders of provincial Transport Department and Expressway Administration, Secretary of Party Committee of Qinghai Province Wang Guosheng arrived at the construction site of Wajiatan Yellow River Grand Bridge on Yashiga-Tongren expressway for inspection in the afternoon of September 28.
On the construction site at pier No.21 on Tongren side, Secretary Wang Guosheng and his group met with representatives of participant units of the bridge in a friendly atmosphere and looked around the display panels and models for site construction. He set a high value on the steel girder installation, safety production and construction management of CRBBG. After listening to the project construction report, he pointed out that Yashiga-Tongren expressway was one of the key infrastructure projects of Qinghai Province during the 13th Five-Year Plan, and the project construction was of great significance to develop economy of Tibetan region and promote Qinghai Province to a rapid development; all participant uints should make elaborate plan and proper arrangement to ensure the construction quality and safety of the bridge.