The Lifting of Steel Box Girders for Xiamen Municipal Modification Works is ..
Along with the completion of lifting of the closure steel girder segment for L3 ramp bridge on January 7, The fabrication and lifting work for Xianyue road Interchange modification project in Xiamem, undertaken by CRBBG's Shantou project department, was completely finished.
Xiamen municipal modification works is composed of five main parts, including Xianyue road interchange modification, Wenzeng road overbridge at railway station, national road No. 324 complex line overbridge, Xiang'an Avenue interchange and footbridge. The total weight of steel girders is about 11,000 tons.
To ensure the general construction requirement of this project, Shantou project department fabricated over 20 sets of assembly jigs according to the structural features of steel girders, and adopted several plans such as obverse assembly, reverse assembly, separate assembly and panel assembly, which guaranteed the product quality and the production schedule and were well received by the owner and the supervisor.