Today, Hongyancun Bridge Opened to Traffic!
Time:2022-10-28    Source:     Click:

At 10:00 a.m. on October 28th, the main line of Chongqing Hongyancun Bridge, which CRBBG participated, was officially opened to traffic.

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Chongqing Hongyancun Bridge is a cable-stayed truss bridge with high and low towers and double cable faces, and has a total length of 725 meters and a main pain of 375 meters. The main girder is a plate-truss composite steel truss, and the upper and lower decks are orthotropic decks. The upper deck, with 31m width, is a two-way six-lane urban expressway; the lower deck, with 27m width, is a double line urban traffic rail and two-way four-lane urban branch road. CRBBG undertook the manufacture of 15,100 tons of steel structures including steel trusses and steel anchor boxes.

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Hoisting of the first steel truss

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Shipment of steel anchor boxes

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Closure of a bridge

tercity Railway, which is located 2.3 km upstream of Ma'anshan Yangtze River Highway Bridge on Changhe Expressway. The cross-river section adopts the multi-channel bridge scheme such as "Chao-Ma Intercity Railway + Reserved Rail Transit Line + Urban Expressway". The main channel bridge has a main span of 1,120 meters. It is designed as a three-tower six-span steel truss cable-stayed bridge, with the total length of the main bridge is 3,248m. .

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