General Assembly of Main Girders for Section CB05-G2 of HZMB is Completed
Time:2014-11-27    Source:     Click:

The general assembly of main girders for Section CB05-G2 of Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) was satisfactorily completed recently. During the 609 days, HZMB project office totally finished the fabrication of 46 main girders for the non-navigable bridge and 20 for the Jiuzhou navigation bridge, which ensure the field erection of the bridge.

The Section CB05-G2 undertaken by CRBBG is an important part of HZMB project, including Jiuzhou navigation bridge, and non-navigable bridge on the shoal waters. The overall length is 2,648m and the total weight of steelwork is about 40,000 tons.

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